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Drosophila melanogaster

AD 13

always early (aly5); it is a male sterile strain 

Category:  Invertebrates  /  Drosophila melanogaster

AD 3

white strain with 2nd and 3rd chromosome balancers  

Category:  Invertebrates  /  Drosophila melanogaster

AD 265

Transgenic strain for the Odorant Receptor 2 (AalOR2) from the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus  

Category:  Invertebrates  /  Drosophila melanogaster

AD 255

Deletion mutant, known as Delta halo, lacking its endogenous Odorant Receptor genes, OR22a and OR22b. 

Category:  Invertebrates  /  Drosophila melanogaster

AD 256

This strain expresses GAL4 under the control of the OR22a promoter 

Category:  Invertebrates  /  Drosophila melanogaster

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