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Model System - AD 13

always early (aly5); it is a male sterile strain

CategoryInvertebrates  /  Drosophila melanogaster
Arrival or creation dateSep 04, 2006
Last revisionDec 17, 2014
Author(s)White-Cooper Helen, Fuller T. Margaret
NameF. Anna Digilio
AddressInstitute of Biosciences and BioResources - CNR, Via P. Castellino 111, 80131 Naples, Italy

GenotypeAly^5 red e/TM6C, Sb,e
OriginWhite-Cooper Helen


The aly 5 strain is male sterile and belongs to the meiotic arrest mutants of the aly-class. The Drosophila always early (aly) gene coordinately regulates meiotic cell cycle progression and terminal differentiation during male gametogenesis. aly is required for transcription of key G2-M cell cycle control genes and of spermatid differentiation genes, and for maintenance of normal chromatin structure in primary spermatocytes. In its testes,  mature primary spermatocytes  arrest during differentiation, and show no signs of entering either the meiotic divisions or spermatid differentiation. However, meiotic arrest genes are not global regulators of the spermatid differentiation genes because several transcripts accumulate to normal levels in the primary spermatocytes of mutant testes; in order to determine whether the transcription of two novel male specific genes  isolated in our laboratoty, called mst36Fa and mst36Fb, depends on the same meiotic arrest genes, we used this mutant strain in our work.


Quality validation: Yes

Validation info

The Model System has been both published in a peer-reviewed journal and used to obtain data reported in a peer-reviewed journal.


White-Cooper H, Leroy D, MacQueen A, Fuller MT. Transcription of meiotic cell cycle and terminal differentiation genes depends on a conserved chromatin associated protein, whose nuclear localisation is regulated. Development. 2000;127:5463-5473.
Di Cara F, Cavaliere D, Galliero V, Polito LC, Digilio FA. Expressional and functional analysis of the male-specific cluster mst36F during Drosophila spermatogenesis. Insect Mol Biol. 2010;19:807-813


Funded byGrant from the Regione Campania (L.R. 31.12.1994 n.5)


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