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Home  |  Model Systems  |  Invertebrates  |  Drosophila melanogaster  |  AD 256

Model System - AD 256

This strain expresses GAL4 under the control of the OR22a promoter

CategoryInvertebrates  /  Drosophila melanogaster
Arrival or creation dateMay 16, 2011
Last revisionJan 29, 2015
Author(s)Dobritsa AA, van der Goes van Naters W, Warr CG, Steinbrecht RA, Carlson JR
NameF. Anna Digilio
AddressInstitute of Biosciences and BioResources - CNR, Via P. Castellino 111, 80131 Naples, Italy
Phone+39 081 6132430

Genotypew; Dhalo/CyO; P(w+)Or22a-GAL4/P(w+)Or22a-GAL4
OriginCarlson JR


It expresses GAL4 in the pattern of the Odorant Receptor 22a gene. Moreover, this strain is heterozigous for the deletion Dhalo. In our laboratory it was used to drive specifically the expression of the heterologous Odoran Receptor from Aedes albopictus AalOR2  in the so called empty neuron, demostrating that AalOR2 responds to a small set of aromatic compounds includingindole. Furthermore, AalOR2 expressed in the Drosophila emptyneuron is inhibited by (–)-menthone.


Quality validation: Yes

Validation info

The Model System has been both published in peer-reviewed journals and used to obtain data reported in a peer-reviewed journals.


Scialò F, Hansson BS, Giordano E, Polito CL, Digilio FA. Molecular and functional characterization of the odorant receptor2 (OR2) in the tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus. PLoS One.2012;7:e36538.
Dobritsa AA, van der Goes van Naters W, Warr CG, Steinbrecht RA, Carlson JR. Integrating the molecular and cellular basis of odor coding in the Drosophila antenna. Neuron.2003;37: 827–841.


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