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Design of Experiment (DoE)

Design of Experiment (DoE)

DoE is a statistical method to analyze the interactions among experimental factors in order to identify their optimal combinations.

Category: Quality methodologies  - 



Brainstorming is a simple tool for gathering the ideas for developing solutions to problems.

Category: Quality methodologies  - 

Decision Matrix (or Grid)

Decision Matrix (or Grid)

Decision Matrix (or Grid), a useful tool when a decision has to be made among many proposals.

Category: Quality methodologies  - 

Deming circle-Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)

Deming circle-Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)

Plan–do–check–act (PDCA), also known as the Deming circle, an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement in processes and products It is the foundation of Total Quality Management and the Quality approach.

Category: Quality methodologies  - 

Flow Chart

Flow Chart

The flow chart is a graphical tool for breaking down a process into a series of steps. A small number of symbols are used most frequently. The flowchart represents an activity in a temporal or logical sequence, using the decision symbol whenever the continuation of activities is subject to the meeting of a condition.

Category: Quality methodologies  - 

Ishikawa Diagram

Ishikawa Diagram

Ishikawa Diagram (or diagram of 4 “M”) is the approach most frequently used in quality systems to enumerate the possible causes of a problem in a process and organize them in a causal chain.

Category: Quality methodologies

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