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Design of Experiment (DoE)
DoE is a statistical method to analyze the interactions among experimental factors in order to identify their optimal combinations.
Brainstorming is a simple tool for gathering the ideas for developing solutions to problems.
Decision Matrix (or Grid)
Decision Matrix (or Grid), a useful tool when a decision has to be made among many proposals.
Deming circle-Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)
Plan–do–check–act (PDCA), also known as the Deming circle, an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement in processes and products It is the foundation of Total Quality Management and the Quality approach.
Flow Chart
The flow chart is a graphical tool for breaking down a process into a series of steps. A small number of symbols are used most frequently. The flowchart represents an activity in a temporal or logical sequence, using the decision symbol whenever the continuation of activities is subject to the meeting of a condition.
Ishikawa Diagram
Ishikawa Diagram (or diagram of 4 “M”) is the approach most frequently used in quality systems to enumerate the possible causes of a problem in a process and organize them in a causal chain.