Protocol - Deming circle-Plan Do Check Act (PDCA)
Plan–do–check–act (PDCA), also known as the Deming circle, an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement in processes and products It is the foundation of Total Quality Management and the Quality approach.
Quality methodologies
Last revision: Jun 21, 2016
W. Edwards Deming
Name: Giovanna L. Liguori
Address: Institute of Genetics and Biophysics Via Pietro Castellino, 111 Naples 80131 ITALY
Figure legend:
Plan Do Check Act Cycle
Description | Temperature | Time | Note |
Plan: Identify the situation and the objective, identify solutions, draw up a plan of action
Do: Define the actions in detail and implement them
Check: monitor the actions, evaluate the results and compare them to the expected outcomes
Act: standardize the solutions that have given good results, or repeat the process if the results are not consistent with the objective
Quality validation:
Validation info
The methodology has been used to develop the project described in a peer-reviewed article.
Funded by: FaReBio
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