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2 South-Italy beta0-thal I-PCR

Oligo for Inverse PCR amplification assay to define the breakpoint of the deletion South-Italy beta0-thal. Because the oligos are in inverse direction they cannot generate amplicomers if used on a linear fragment. 

Category:  DNA

alpha intergene 5’ (control P1)

Oligonucleotide for a PCR control amplification 

Category:  DNA

alpha intergene 3’ (control P2)

Oligonucleotide for a PCR control amplification 

Category:  DNA

alpha2 cod 26 GCG>ACG (Hb Caserta)

Oligo for allele-splecific amplification to genotype the human alpha2 cod 26 GCG>ACG (Hb Caserta) globin gene mutation 

Category:  DNA

LacZ F

Useful to amplify, in pair with lacZ R, a fragment from the E. coli lacZ gene 

Category:  DNA

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