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alpha2 N-Hb Icaria / N-Hb Constant Spring

Oligo for allele-splecific amplification to genotype the human alpha2 N-Hb Icaria / N-Hb Constant Spring globin gene mutation 

Category:  DNA

alpha2 N-Hb Caserta

Oligo for allele-splecific amplification to genotype the human alpha2 N-Hb Caserta globin gene mutation 

Category:  DNA

alpha2 N-Hb Sun Prairie

Oligo for allele-splecific amplification to genotype the human alpha2 N-Hb Sun Prairie globin gene mutation 

Category:  DNA

alpha 2 N-AATAAA

Oligo for allele-splecific amplification to genotype the human alpha 2 N-AATAAA globin gene mutation 

Category:  DNA

alpha2 N-IVS-I -5 nt

Oligo for allele-splecific amplification to genotype the human alpha2 N-IVS-I -5 nt globin gene mutation 

Category:  DNA

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