Protocol - RNA-protein interaction
RNA binding assay REMSA (RNA electrophoresis shift assay)
Figure legend:
REMSA experiments performed using 3-DRA (lane 1) and 3-DQA1 (lane 3) riboprobes; lanes 2 and 4 show the digestion of riboprobes with T1 RNase. Lanes 5 and 15 show bands of interaction of M14 S100 cytoplasmic extract with 3-DRA, lanes 10 and 18 with 3-DQA1; competition experiments of 3-DRA binding were performed using cold 3-DRA (lanes 6 and 7), cold 3-DQA1 (lanes 8 and 9) and poly(U) homopolymers (lanes 16 and 17). Competition experiments of 3-DQA1 binding were performed using cold 3-DRA (lanes 11 and 12), cold 3-DQA1 (13 and 14) and poly(U) homopolymers (lanes 19 and 20). (B) REMSAs experiments carried out using 3-DRB1 (lane 21) and 3-DQB1 (lane 22) riboprobes. Lanes 22 and 24 show the digestion of riboprobes with T1 RNase; lanes 27 and 32 show bands of interaction of M14 extract with 3-DRB1 and 3-DQB1. Competition experiments of 3-DRB1 binding were performed using cold 3-DRA (lane 25 and 26) and cold 3-DQA1 (28 and 29). Competition experiments of 3-DQB1 binding were performed using cold 3-DRA (lanes 30 and 31) and cold 3-DQA1(33 and 34) (Corso et al. 2011).
Description | Temperature | Time | Note |
Incubate 20 μg S100 cytoplasmic proteins with with 100000 cpm of 32P-UTP-labelled riboprobe in final volume of 20 μl of binding buffer
30 min
Treat each samples with heparin at a final concentration of 5 mg/ml
10 min
Add 1-5 U RNase T1 ( from Aspergillus Okazaky)
10 min
Add 10 μl of 6x Loading Buffer
2 min
Load samples on native 6% PAGE and run the gel at 200 VOLT using 0,3 X TBE buffer
3 hrs
Use MAXI PROTEAN apparatus
Dry gel
45 min
Acquire the radiactive image by Typhoon analysis (GE Healthcare).
over night
Other informations
Add two samples control: 1) the undigested riboprobe ; 2) the riboprobe digested with RNase without extract |
When required riboprobes were refolded by heating to 70°C for 5 min and slow-cooling Competition assays were performed by pre-incubation of cold riboprobe ( scalar quantity : es. 0.05 and 0.5 ug ) with protein extract for 15’ before to add labelled riboprobe For antibody supershift assays: 6 ug of IgG were used in a control sample |
Validation info
The protocol has been used to produce data published in peer-reviewed journals.
1x binding buffer
Reagents F-concentration Quantity I-concentration HEPES pH 7.610 mMMgCl23 mMglycerol5%KCl40 mMDTT1 mMprotease inhibitors1xNote
Reagents F-concentration Quantity I-concentration acrilammide-bis (29:1)6%10 ml40%TBE (Tris Borate buffer )0,3X1,5 ml10XAmmonio Persolfato300 μl10%TEMED30 μl -
Loading Buffer 6X
Reagents F-concentration Quantity I-concentration Tris HCl pH 7,530 mMsaccarosio40%TBE (Tris Borate buffer )5Xbromofenolo0,2%EDTA pH 80,001M