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Protocol - OCT embedding

OCT embedding of tissues/embryos for cryosections

Last revisionMar 08, 2016
NameGiovanna L. Liguori
AddressInstitute of Genetics and Biophysics Via Pietro Castellino, 111 Naples 80131 ITALY


Figure legend:

Part of Figure 1 from D’Aniello et al., 2013 showing single and double whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) of Fgf10 and Apj. Fgf10 (blue) marks the secondary heart field (SHF) at E9.5 (I). Apj (red) and Fgf10 (blue) co-localize in the SHF at E9.5 (J). Sagittal sections at E9.5 (J′–J″). h, heart; shf, second heart field. Scale bars: 100 μm (I–J), and 50 μm (J′–J″).


Description Temperature Time Note
Tissue ready for embedding should be fixed (usually in 4%PFA) and in stored in PBS
Wash 2 times in PBS 1x rocking
10 minutes
Transfer tissue/embryo in Surcrose 10% in PBS
4° C
3-4 hours rocking or until the sample drops to bottom of vial
Sucrose infiltration for CRYOPROTECTION
Transfer tissue/embryo in Surcrose 20% in PBS
4° C
until the sample drops to bottom of vial
Transfer tissue/embryo in Surcrose 30% in PBS
4° C
until the sample drops to bottom of vial
Transfer tissue/embryo in Surcrose 30% - OCT (1:1) solution
4° C
2 hours
Partially fill dry ice container with dry ice
Label blocks with each sample number and fill with OTC (TissueTek) freezing compound
Orient tissue into the bottom of the well and freeze putting on dry ice
15 minutes
Place frozen tissue blocks, after they are frozen
-80° C
Ready to be sliced after they are frozen completely
Do not store slides in the cryostat over night, they will dry out

Other informations

The protocol has been provided by Dr. Giancarlo Bellenchi


Quality validation: Yes

Validation info

The protocol has been used to produce data published in peer-reviewed journals.


D'Aniello C, Fiorenzano A, Iaconis S, Liguori GL, Andolfi G, Cobellis G, Fico A, Minchiotti G. The G-protein-coupled receptor APJ is expressed in the second heart field and regulates Cerberus-Baf60c axis in embryonic stem cell cardiomyogenesis. Cardiovasc Res. 2013;100:95-104.


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