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Home  |  News  |  The IBBR-Na is ready to start the “alternanza scuola-lavoro” programme

The IBBR-Na is ready to start the “alternanza scuola-lavoro” programme

The IBBR-NA experiences the “alternanza scuola-lavoro” programme with the project "Endocrine disruptors and nutrition: experimental method and investigative techniques"

The researchers of the Naples UO of the Institute of Biosciences and bio Resources-CNR are very active in the dissemination of scientific culture. At present the section of Naples, is able to provide laboratories equipped with the latest technologies, aimed at studying the fundamental properties of living and development of biotechnology in the areas of human health, agriculture and industry. In recent years, they were triggered numerous dissemination projects along with several neighborhood  schools, such as seminars and workshop activities both at IBBR and in the schools. This year, as part of the design of the “Alternanza scuola-lavoro” programme, L.107 / 15, the Institute is beginning a course on the techniques and methodologies of the biological data investigation with the IIS Siani of Naples. The students involved will have the opportunity to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about modern techniques (instrumental and methodological) for studying living organisms and biological molecules, with particular regard to experimental research that IBBR carry on in the field. The boys will be guests of some laboratories of the Institute, followed in this experience by Dr. Digilio, one of the founding members of the qPMO network with whom also will begin a study on the Quality methodologies in scientific research.

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