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Home  |  News  |  FABER is just born at the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources-CNR

FABER is just born at the Institute of Biosciences and BioResources-CNR

FABER is a new diagnostic system for allergy

FABER is a multiplex nanotechnology-based diagnostic system allowing the measurement of specific IgE in human sera. It was created thanks to the collaboration between the research group of Dr Ciardiello, at IBBR-CNR, and MacroarrayDx (Vienna), Allergy Data Laboratories (ADL, Latina) and Centro di Allergologia Molecolare (CAAM, Latina). This diagnostic system allows the simultaneous measurement of 244 allergic sensitivities, including food and environmental allergens, by a single immunochemical assay. FABER has unique features and combines the traditional methods, based on the use of total protein extracts to make the allergy diagnosis, with the modern molecular allergology that prefers purified allergenic molecules.

For more details visit the web site https://www.caam-allergy.com/en

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