"City of Science" back to life with CORPOREA
After three years from an arson that destroyed the Science Centre, March 4, 2013, City of Science has presented to the citizens of Naples the building “Corporea” the largest interactive museum in Italy and in Europe entirely dedicated to the human body and health topics. The building will be operational by the end of 2016 with a series of interactive exhibition galleries, educational workshops and meeting areas dedicated to discovery of the human body and of all stages of development in human life, from reproduction to birth, until aging. Visitors will have the opportunityto explore from the inside and in 3D the human body in a virtual exhibit. The structure includes the largest planetarium in Italy, which can accommodate 130 guests. "Corporea" will be not only show casing scientific research in new frontiers of medicine but also will be an area of cultural dissemination, business promotion and start-up creation in the biomedical field. The official ceremony took place in the beautiful Newton meeting room and was introduced by Vincenzo Lipardi, Managing Director of the City of Science.
The event was attended by the President of the Science City, Vittorio Silvestrini; the Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris; the President of Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca and the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Graziano Delrio.
Partecipants with great curiosity and enthusiasm havebeen involved in the PICNIC OF SCIENCE, a tradition of European science museums. The researchers of Research Centres, Universities, Schools, cultural and scientific associations of Campania region have met people with fascinating demonstrations to bring the world of science closer to every day life: http://www.cittadellascienza.it/notizie/pic-nic-della-scienza/
In the ambit of CNR disseminationactionsthe researchers haveillustrated their researchprojects: "From the cell to man: aroundtrip "by the Institute for Endocrinology and Oncology "Gaetano Salvatore" - IEOS and the Institute of Biostructures and Biommagini - IBB and " Different anatomies compared: the human body and the body of an insect" by the Institute of Bioscience and and Bioresources – IBBR