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Home  |  News  |  Adding value to biomedical and life sciences research: the qPMO way

Adding value to biomedical and life sciences research: the qPMO way

The qPMO model in the 2016 international edition of the Quality Association of Research journal (RQA) QASAR

Quasar is the journal of the Research Quality Association (RQA) published quarterly discussing thematic topics ranging from training, audits and inspections to drugs vigilance and animal care. An annual issue of the magazine is dedicated to the international experience, and in the edition of this year of January 2016, was published an article on the description of the project and the qPMO network Adding value to biomedical and life sciences research: the qPMO way by Antonella Lanati and the qPMO Network. The article briefly reviews the history of qPMO project, born in 2012, involving five different CNR Institutes (IGB, IEOS, IBIM, IBBR e IBPM) and aiming to develop and disseminate Quality Management Models applied to scientific research. The project is set according to project management and quality methodologies, and took advantages of a close collaboration between an experienced quality consultant and scientific researchers for a correct translation and then application of the principles of the discipline, to a properly designed scientific research project.

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