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Home  |  News  |  The responses of Biomedical Sciences researchers to the qPMO questionnaire

The responses of Biomedical Sciences researchers to the qPMO questionnaire

The DSB shows interest in issues of Quality and knowledge management

The researchers and technologists of the DSB were invited to experience the quality4lab platform, created by the qPMO network, and respond to a questionnaire with 15 questions on issues related to knowledge and research management and using the platform as a tool for gathering and disseminating the skills and expertise found within the CNR. The researchers that responded showed strong interest in the issues under investigation, the desire to study them more in depth through training courses, and a high level of satisfaction with the platform. Following the presentation of the results by the DSB’s Director, Prof. Pozzan, it was decided that special meetings would be organized shortly thereafter for the Institutes that had shown the greatest interest in further studying these issues and the management models developed by the qPMO.

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