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Help4lab: management software to support research

With everything under control, there is more time for experiments

Help4lab is modular software for managing Quality, Safety, Environment and Documents in a research laboratory. It was invented and developed by Luca Caruana and Alessandro Pensato, in collaboration with the members of the qPMO network working in the ”Management of a laboratory research” workpackage and implemented in the MarLab laboratory of the IBIM in Palermo, Quality certified according to ISO 9001-2008 since June 2014.

Help4Lab contains a “Processes” section which helps manage all of the documentation (management procedures, guidelines, operating instructions and forms) related to the two types of processes identified in the MarLab research laboratory: 1) primary processes: Research activity, Educational and training programs, and Dissemination; 2) secondary processes: Resource management systems, Quality management system. The management of materials is facilitated by a second section that contains fields (Suppliers List, Supplier Ratings, Minimum Stock Level, List of Purchased Products, Warehouse) in which the necessary information can be managed. The instrument management section not only allows the entry of data relating to the instruments, but also helps in planning for their maintenance and calibration as well as setting alerts regarding upcoming deadlines of planned events.

The Help4Lab management software, housed at the CNR, is a new and useful tool for the improvement of research laboratories. Together with the QMS model, it can ensure the reliability of the results obtained in public research laboratories, increasing their reputation for excellence.

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